terça-feira, 29 de abril de 2014


4 comentários:

  1. "I believe in running through the rain and crashing into the person you love and having your lips bleed on each other."

  2. Ana Maria Guerreiro1 de maio de 2014 às 15:50

    Ora aí está uma bela questão. Bob Marley colocou muitas, até hoje sem resposta!

  3. You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains.
    You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.
    You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows.
    This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too.

    tão verdade!

  4. Rain is good for me. I feel like I achieve clarity actually when it rains... :)

